Working Capital Loan

At Eastern, we provide financing for both the micro entrepreneur and the medium to large-scale businessman; loans for the financing of inventory and fixed assets, the provision of working capital or various other business needs. At Eastern we do our best to structure these loans to suit the Member's needs.

Fixed Assets Loan

Eastern, through its relationship with the Business Development Company, provides financing to micro entrepreneurs who already operate businesses or are about to start up their businesses.

Loans are granted to purchase stock, raw material or to acquire fixed assets and are available at 1.25% on the reducing balance, with a maximum repayment period of 60 months, depending on the amount and the cash flow of the business.


  • Complete Business Plan.
  • Pro-forma Invoices for stock or equipment.
  • Three reference letters outlining name, address, telephone contact, place of employment and position held.
  • If the business is already in operation, applicants should provide past records of Income and Expenditure and audited Financial Statements for the past three years.
  • Certificates of training courses relevant to type of business must be provided.
  • Valid identification (National ID, Passport or Driver's Permit.)
  • If business is registered, a Certificate of Registration.
  • Recent utility bill.
  • Relevant government approvals necessary for the business venture.
  • Sample products.
  • Persons employed on a full-time basis should submit a Job Letter and a recent Salary Slip.
  • Tenants (occupying a business place) should provide a copy of rental agreement.

Working Capital

This loan is for owners of medium to large-scaled businesses. The loan would assist with the financing of inventory, provision of working capital or acquiring fixed assets with an interest rate of 1.25% per month on the daily outstanding balance.

The maximum repayment period is 60 months, however, loans for the acquisition of commercial property may be extended to 15 years.


  • Audited Financial Statements for the past three years.
  • Cash flow projections for the next 12 months.
  • Certificate of Incorporation for the business if the business is a limited liability company.
  • Return of Directors.
  • Invoices or documented evidence to substantiate the request.

Apply for Working Capital/Fixed Assets Loan

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