Page 14 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
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EASTERN CREDIT UNION      Annual Report 2018

                  The following feedback was provided to issues raised at the 2017 AGM:
                     i.   Review of pricing strategy and emphasis on product pricing and product relevance
                         This exercise was finalized and ECU is in the process of creating a revised suite of products geared
                         to specific segments of the membership and also rebranding its products.

                    ii.   IT Infrastructure

                         PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) conducted an IT diagnostic and all issues identified were
                         addressed except that of revamping the hardware infrastructure. This is being addressed.  PwC
                         also undertakes biannual reviews to identify any gaps.

                    iii.   Passbooks/Quarterly Statements

                         Requests from senior members to retain passbooks will be considered. The process of making
                         statements more user friendly is ongoing. However, statements can be requested at Branches.

                    iv.   Washrooms/Other Amenities

                         The provision of washrooms for members’ convenience at the Port of Spain Branch is part of an
                         on-going project of the Board of Directors and will be satisfied in due course.  Some significant
                         issues addressed at the Port of Spain Branch include, provision of shade on the pavement along
                         Park and Frederick Streets so that members can be protected from the elements before the Branch
                         opens; and, accessibility made easy for the differently-abled.

                     v.   AGM Guests

                         One reason why guests are invited to the AGM is because ECU is part of the Co-operative Movement
                         and is affiliated with a number of co-operative bodies locally, regionally and internationally.
                         ECU therefore adheres to the sixth principle of co-operatives which is: co-operation among co-

           13.0   5 CREDENTIALS REPORT
                  A Credentials Report at 12.04 p.m. indicated that one thousand one hundred and sixty-eight (1,168)
                  members were present.

           14.0   BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT
                  The Board of Directors’ Report, having been taken as read earlier in the proceedings, was tabled for
                  discussion. Members made the under-mentioned comments on the Report:

                      •   In the “Overview” section of the report, in future, include statistical data to support the information

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